Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Mini Concentration 2

The idea behind my concentration was to have one item out of a pile look like its floating and to be clear while the background is blurry.


  1. The description given matches the pictures that were taken. I do like these pictures, and I think my favorite one was the first picture with the orange. I liked it because it seem very obvious what it was, and what it was on top of. I think my least favorite was my second one because the cookbook seemed to be right on top of the cookbooks, rather than look like it was floating above the books. I think that was the only one, and it could’ve been improved if the top book was larger. I think besides that, the other pictures were all well taken.

  2. the description matches the photos. I really like this its really cool! My favorite one it’s the orange because you can really tell that its “floating”. My least favorite one would be the cookbook one because its not as “floating” as the other ones. If I were you nest time I would make it high so it looks more floating. Overall I loved these. (:

  3. These photos can be tricky and overall you did a good job with them. The first photo of the orange works the best for me as it clearly appears to be floating. The second photo is good but the book needs to be a little higher to accentuate the illusion of floating. The third photo is the weakest for me since its hard to tell if its floating or not. The spoon could just be taller than the other objects in the container. Good work and I would hope you could improve the technique if you were to do more of them.
